DrChrono Medical Form Builder

A builder to customize all types of medical forms.

The Form Builder was used to build customizable medical forms to record patient visits. These forms would be displayed on the clinical workflow at the point of care on the iPad & web. There were many different types of fields that can be added to the forms, including yes/no fields, fraction fields and free draw fields where you can draw on images.

DrChrono Inc.
Product Vision, UI/UX, HTML & CSS.
Development Time
2 Months.
Active. Redesigned in 2015 and it's still being used today.
DrChrono Medical Form Builder

The User Interface

The DrChrono EHR/EMR app started out as an iPad-only app. It was like this for years until it was converted to a Universal app in 2014. While the app can be used on the iPad & iPhone, the iPad is the preferred interface due to its screen size. There are many iPad-specific screens that takes advantage of the iPad real estate.

Medical Form Builder and its options.

Editing a Mulitple Selection Field.

Editing a Text Field.